Dropsolid becomes a Platinum Drupal Partner

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Dropsolid Drupal platinum badge

Dropsolid became a Platinum Partner which means at the time of this publication Dropsolid is the most certified Drupal partner in the BeNeLux market, Top 5 in the EU and Top 20 globally in an ecosystem with its 200 partners and 4955 companies offering Drupal.

I cannot express how proud we are to achieving this status. It is the fruits of years of contributing and supporting the project as well as building capabilities internally that make it possible to even being able to contribute at this level. 

What is needed to become a Platinum certified partner? 

You need +2500 contribution credits, which we achieve through contributing code, sponsoring, spreading idea's and supporting key projects like:

Dropsolid has the intention to become a Top tier partner in the Drupal ecosystem by contributing even more. I have talked about the plans in the elections for the future and we hope to bring more contributions towards the Drupal core to elevate Drupal beyond the CMS.

Why is being a Platinum certified partner so important for us?

  • To be able to be certified at this level a company needs serious Drupal capabilities. Our Drupal staff is of the highest quality in Europe and globally. It puts us on another level in the market. Non focussed agencies who do everything or IT integrators who do everything and are not so Drupal certified are not in the same league. We attract the best talent that is focussed on Drupal. This is reflected in the projects we do.
  • We are capable of doing next level projects with Drupal. Especially if you want to build a DXP with Drupal. It pushes us to bring out the best. To be able to do these project we need to know Drupal in and out. How better to know Drupal than by contributing?
  • Our customers business and organisations have mission critical Drupal sites and we want to enable them to get the maximum ROI from their platform.

You already see that it is not easy to become a Drupal partner on this level so ...

What could be the value for the end customer of Drupal?

  • Achieve your ROI with Drupal. You are sure your implementation will be solid. That's where the name Dropsolid comes from Solid drop (Drupal). We make the correct architectural decisions avoiding you getting stuck on bad implementations, unmaintainable stacks and creative architectures. There are enough examples of customers who have lost a lot of business by bad performing implementations, slow load times with lost engagement and even down time and even direct lost business.
  • Achieve Security. Dropsolid not only has a member in the security team but also has an ISO27001 certification for both its services and digital experience platform. Are you willing to risk something going wrong by having a less certified or non certified Drupal provider working on your mission critical platforms?
  • Solid support. Dropsolid with people in the core team and with its platform knowledge can solve Drupal stack issues from server to application where other partners would not be able to do so. Having people on board working on the Drupal core, key modules and key projects ensures you have access to this knowledge. 
  • Innovation. We will make sure you are on the cutting edge of what is possible with Drupal. How to use Drupal with AI, how to do headless with Drupal, how to leverage Starshot, Async Drupal, ... We got it, so you will be able to generate ROI in your business with Drupal.

Is working with a certified partner more expensive? 

In Dutch we say "goedkoop is duurkoop" which translates as "cheap in the short run very expensive in the long run". 

The selection of you Drupal partner is business critical. It's not just a technical thing. It has impact on the ROI you are generating with your Drupal website/DXP. Dropsolid is not only technically strong but also has a pragmatic business approach to help you make the right choices both on your Drupal website/DXP and your business.

I'm very excited about Dropsolid achieving the Platinum status and I am already dreaming of sponsoring Drupal on the Diamond and Top Tier level to bring even greater gifts to the Drupal community.