Digital experiences with AI for competitive advantage

Build superior digital experiences for your teams and end customers with the combined power of a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) and AI. Extensive artificial intelligence capabilities integrated into a versatile, connected platform enable you to create lasting value more effectively.
Here’s how we do it.
Memcache in Drupal8
KMO working women

Create more business value with AI and a Digital Experience Platform

A true Digital Experience Platform (DXP) like Dropsolid Experience Cloud empowers you to unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence, driving ROI for your entire organization and adding value to every business unit. This goes far beyond simply adding AI features to your Content Management System (CMS). Instead, we build a comprehensive digital experience, based on a flexible and future-proof platform. This environment is designed to deliver contextualized digital experiences across various touchpoints and customer journeys. Your operations, content management and customer success teams save time through advanced automation and more personalized experiences. By combining our Drupal-based Dropsolid Experience Cloud with AI, we ensure long-lasting business benefits for every organization.

What separates a true AI-powered DXP from a CMS?

A true Digital Experience Platform (DXP) with AI is the centerpiece of an open digital experience. This requires more than a simple one-off integration of a standard Content Management System (CMS) with a limited set of predefined artificial intelligence features. A true DXP is a well-integrated digital ecosystem fundamentally designed to power content creation, management, delivery and optimization. A high-performance DXP enables all of this through critical capabilities, including AI, at the core of its platform. Contrary to a one-off, project-based content management system that is ‘upgraded’ to have DXP-like qualities, a real DXP like Dropsolid Experience Cloud is a pre-existing, open and connected ecosystem.

Visual of an AI Drupal Webinar

Key considerations when selecting your DXP


Product documentation and resources

Comprehensive documentation and detailed information on the DXP’s core features help your teams quickly get up to speed and use the platform to its full potential. Look for additional resources like product demos and case studies with proven ROI to see how AI and a DXP can deliver results for your business case.


Development team and professional services

A dedicated product development team continuously enhances existing features and builds new capabilities. Extensive professional services and partner programs also signal the platform’s maturity.


Product roadmap and update frequency

Regular updates and a clearly defined product roadmap for the DXP platform, supported by release notes, ensure the longevity of your DXP. Consistent maintenance cycles further safeguard the security of your ecosystem.


Accessible code

Easy access to platform code and other development assets through open repositories enables easier verification and improvements. This approach allows for faster updates and enhanced security compared to fully closed-source DXP alternatives.

Our clients

Pidpa logo

Customer success story: Pidpa

In today’s digital-first era, people expect to be able to organize their daily lives directly from their smartphones. To meet this demand, government departments and public sector organizations are increasingly digitizing their services and associated touchpoints. This shift not only caters to citizens' needs, but also optimizes operational efficiency.

Pidpa: citizen-first digital services

Pidpa is the public water supplier for the Antwerp region in Flanders. They turned to our Dropsolid team to create truly citizen-first digital services. Focal points include online meter reading submissions, easy filing of complaints and reporting of water supply interruptions, next to streamlined management of personal details through customers' personal accounts. For a public service provider like Pidpa, ensuring accessibility for all citizens is vital. By integrating AI-powered search capabilities, they can display the right results at the right time more easily, improving the overall user experience.


Boost efficiency through digitization of customer touchpoints, while ensuring a citizen-first approach and easy accessibility for all users.


Design of a new user-centric platform with easy access to all relevant customer information and great usability of services like invoicing and payments.


A new, powerful AI-assisted platform built on Dropsolid Experience Cloud, allowing Pidpa’s content editors and developers to work on new and existing features independently.

Lessons from the success of Pidpa

AI-assisted features like smart search and internal marketing assistance help organizations to provide better service while reducing the workload on both customer-facing and internal teams. (For more details, check out our UZA case study.) Our signature agile development approach ensures a faster launch, allowing for quick feedback and the continuous development and rollout of new features on the Dropsolid Experience Cloud DXP. This way, businesses can expand their digital services gradually and take full ownership of future development at later stages.

DS people at work

Combining AI and a DXP for business value

Artificial intelligence provides new opportunities for your Digital Experience Platform. Advanced AI capabilities help your internal employees to improve their efficiency, customer engagement and client conversion. Here are a few examples:

  • Audience segmentation and reporting
    Ask AI to dynamically create new target market segments, or test assumptions about existing target groups and generate detailed analysis on the fly.
  • Lead scoring and nurturing
    Rank your leads based on an advanced points-based algorithm, identifying those with the highest likelihood of success.
  • Campaign building
    Design multi-step campaigns tailored to different segments, including targeted emails and personalized follow-up strategies for each category.
  • Website personalization
    Track the behavior of your visitors to automatically create high-value segments, allowing you to personalize your website content as well as marketing and sales emails.

The power of AI and a Drupal-based DXP

Our digital experiences, built with the Dropsolid Experience Cloud DXP, use Drupal at their core. This open-source technology is scalable, flexible and user-friendly, without the constraints of vendor lock-in. Drupal provides a future-proof foundation that adapts to the needs of your organization. By integrating artificial intelligence into your Drupal-based ecosystem, we’re able to craft virtually any digital experience that helps you create additional business value. AI-driven Drupal environments are specifically designed to deliver highly personalized experiences to your visitors while streamlining workflows for your teams.

De toekomst van website-personalisatie

Calculate your ROI

An open Digital Experience Platform powered by AI delivers return on investment on multiple levels. Boost operational efficiency, gain more data-driven insights and accelerate your time-to-market with new products and services. Increased customer satisfaction and engagement lead to higher customer lifetime value (CLV), giving you a sustainable competitive advantage that lets you focus on your organizations core strengths. With our free ROI calculator for digital experiences, you can get an accurate estimate of your return on investment in just five minutes.