Learn to build a website with Drupal.

With the Drupal Sitebuilding training, you will discover everything about building a website with the Drupal content management system.

Who is this training for?

This training is for anyone who wants to learn how to build a website with Drupal as the CMS. After this training, you will be able to modify the content of your website yourself, without any knowledge of coding. Learning Drupal has never been easier.

  • Self-employed entrepreneurs: You want to build your own website and know that you can win customers by having a good website. You would like to build and maintain your own website. Drupal is perfect for this. You do not have to program anything: with the help of modules you can build the right functionalities.
  • Webmasters, copywriters, and content editors: Do you already input content on Drupal or a CMS and want to learn how to configure the CMS better? Then this is the course for you.
  • Front-enders: You're doing theming for Drupal and working primarily with template files? Take this course and learn how contributed modules help you change and configure the layout of your site, without touching code or template files. You will also learn how to implement common features by adding a module and configuring it correctly.
  • Project managers: As a project manager on Drupal projects, it can be interesting to know what Drupal is and what its site building capabilities are. Learn how to use and extend the Drupal core: install modules and configure them to implement common features.
  • Sales: Are you selling web projects? Do you want to sell Drupal projects? It is easier to convince your client if you have more knowledge about Drupal and its functionalities. This course will show you how to easily extend Drupal with contributed modules.
  • Self-builders: You work with Drupal, but can't find all the information. Sometimes even selecting the right modules is a chore. This course helps you develop your site building skills. Expand Drupal by adding contributed modules and configure them properly.
  • Non-technical professionals: Are you a professional outside the IT world and working in an environment where suddenly a small website is needed, which you have to put together yourself? Then in this course you will learn how to use Drupal, expand it with modules and then configure it properly - without touching the code.

What is the value of this training?

You will learn to build a Drupal website by using the power of contributed modules on drupal.org. You will build your own website and implement functionalities without touching the code. 

Our course will ensure that you save time in the future. Not only will you learn how to install and configure modules, we will also tell you which modules are most suitable. Wrong modules can jeopardize the future growth of your website. It all seems overwhelming, but with the right help and explanation, that too becomes child's play. You learn how to add functionalities and then also configure them correctly. An important step that will save you a lot of time.  

In addition, we give you the best practices, so that you are completely capable of maintaining what you have just built. 

Do I need prior knowledge?

It is not necessary to take the Drupal Discover training course first. We do recommend it if you have no prior Drupal knowledge. 

The Drupal Discover training starts with the basics, while this training goes deeper into this. To not miss anything, we definitely recommend the Drupal Discover training first. 

An example 

As a small, starting company you like to build your own website. This saves you costs and you have the management in your own hands. This is perfectly possible with Drupal. With this course you will gain knowledge about building a simple company website.

Course content 

  • Fields - Data Modeling

    Entering content in Drupal is done via entities and fields. We explain how to do this and teach you how to model data correctly.
    • Nodes

      Nodes is the most widely used entity, especially for entering content. How do you create your own node types and add additional fields? Learn how to use and configure the Drupal in-place editor.
    • Users

      Drupal works with users that can log in. We explain how this users object works.
    • Files

      What is the best way to work with files in Drupal?
    • Taxonomy

      The taxonomy system in Drupal is very powerful, but do you master it? This section shows you how to use it and extend it with fields.
  • Views in core

    This module is a must for any Drupal installation and allows you to create views of your content. We explain the best practices of using the Views module. Since Drupal 8, this module is in the core.
  • Webforms

    Learn to use the Webform module and build your own webforms.
  • Media

    Use the media module to manage all your media files.
  • Menus

    This section explains how to use the menu system.
  • UI Site Building

    Drupal has a lot of configuration possibilities. You can already build a nice website by using it.
  • Gallery

    Learn to create a photo gallery on your website.
  • Page Components

    Explanation of all the components used to build Drupal pages. Learn how the block system works and how to use context in pages.
  • Slideshows

    How do you build a carousel on your website?
  • SEO

    Learn which modules are best used to improve your search engine ranking.
  • Social

    Social networks are important today. How do you integrate them?
  • Marketing

    We cover modules you can use for online marketing.
  • Basic Search

    Drupal includes a core search module. We'll take a look at these and give a few more examples of more advanced search setups

What's next? 

Want to learn even more? You can do so with our Drupal Coding course.