Hiring digital talent to help businesses transition towards a new economy

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Hiring digital talent to help businesses transition towards a new economy

As economies around the globe ground to a halt, post-corona opportunities started to develop at Dropsolid. “We’re looking to add 60% more digital consultants to our workforce to help power the transformation towards a new economy”, says Dominique De Cooman, Dropsolid CEO and founder.

“Attracting and onboarding talent with a fully remote team can prove rather challenging at times. However, this did not prevent us from adding five new incredible team members in the meantime”, adds Eline Van Coillie, HR & Talent Manager.

Welcome to 5 new colleagues at Dropsolid

Dropsolid’s ongoing commitment to sustainable growth and excellent talent coaching led to further reinforcement of the HR team. Joëlle Daese will be taking on the position of Talent Manager to support the further growth of Dropsolid.

Helena Pynte recently joined as Digital Strategist. She brings vast experience in the start-up and accelerator world, having worked for clients like VRT Sandbox, The Birdhouse, Bothrs, Winwinner, ING Digital Academy, Creative Shelter, Squid and Yuma Labs. “As a marketing strategist, a customer-first approach is key”, says Helena. “I enjoy taking the end user’s standpoint to design and optimize the best possible digital experiences. Upon finding out that this approach lies at the heart of Dropsolid’s vision, too, together with core values that are very much aligned with mine, I was immediately sold. I’m looking forward to taking on challenging projects together with the team and to having an immediate impact.”

Michiel Vanhaverbeke, who recently joined as Digital Strategist & Analyst, agrees. “Starting a new job amid an economic pause did pose a few additional challenges, but the excellent onboarding process helped to let things take off smoothly.” Michiel hit the ground running with a number of Cookie Compliance projects and is also working on shaping Dropsolid’s Marketing Automation Track.

Another new team member is Kimberly Lans. She joined on 1 July as a Digital Marketer. “At Dropsolid, I can maximize my potential and combine marketing with technology. I was warmly received by the team and I’m very much looking forward to this new challenge!”

On the eve of the introduction of the new pandemic measures, Sara Fiems took up the role of Service Delivery Manager at Dropsolid. “I still managed to enjoy the office environment for a brief moment right before the lockdown was introduced, and it felt just right. While working from home, our daily stand-ups and short meetings helped us to stay in touch with one another. The team spirit at Dropsolid is amazing.”

Dominique De Cooman agrees. “Truly talented people always aim to maximize their impact - something which they are free to do so at our company. Our client portfolio is incredible and our consultants have unprecedented freedom to make their mark on projects with their expertise.”

We’d like to extend a warm welcome to all new Dropsoldiers!

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