Our customers' digital experiences today consist of more and more channels and digital touchpoints. Expectations are infinitely high. Is the market changing? Then as an organization, you have to be able to adapt, respond and evolve. Only then, as a company, you remain to meet the high expectations of your customers. To meet these changing demands, you need a new strategy.

Our technology must evolve from a monolithic architecture to an approach that's built for the cloud: the "MACH" architecture.

MACH = Microservices - API-first - Cloud native - Headless



Replace the traditional, monolithic architecture and ensure that applications can be arranged as a collection of loosely coupled and independently deployable services.

An example

Dropsolid's progressively decoupled DXP solution uses several open-source microservices to provide best-in-class solutions for each specific challenge. For example Apache Unomi for personalization, Drupal for content management, Solr for search functionality, Memcache, Varnish for caching... And many more, depending on the need.



With an API-first approach, you make all application functionalities accessible through an API. This enables interaction between two or more applications or services.

An example

All of the various microservices used by the Dropsolid Experience Cloud solution are either API-first or have a built-in API to communicate with other applications.


Cloud Native

Cloud Native uses software-as-a-service (SaaS) to store, host, elastically scale and automatically update functionalities.

An example

All Dropsolid DXP solutions use the Dropsolid Experience Cloud platform. Which in his turn uses Google Cloud to easily scale the applications.


Headless or decoupled

Headless decouples the front-end presentation experience from the back-end logic. This provides design freedom when creating user interfaces for multiple channels. It allows enterprises to remain framework agnostic.


Why choose for MACH?

By applying the MACH architecture, you as an enterprise can choose the best tool on the market for your specific needs at the time. Why is this important? To maintain the freedom to easily remove or replace tools as needed. Something that is very limiting with monolithic architectures.

A MACH architecture allows you to deploy a limitless range of digital experiences, with the tools that best fit the needs of your team and your end users.