Elevate your career at Dropsolid

Along with our company, our team is constantly growing. Are you ready to make the difference as a real Dropsolver? React to one of our vacancies or apply spontaneously!

Looking for an internship at Dropsolid? Read all about it here!
DS - fun pingpong - Michiel

Why work at Dropsolid?

A look behind the scenes of Dropsolid? Discover our six core values, our perks and the vibe at our office! 

DS - lunch food eat fun - Brent

Meet our team

One close team, 90 experts and countless knowledge to share. Curious about your future team? Want to meet your partners in crime? Or want to know who's your darts or table tennis competitor? 

Dominique De Cooman, Steven Pepermans

We've come a long way

In 2013, Dropsolid was born from an ambitious mission of our two founders, with a great love for open source. Wondering how you can help build the future of our company?