A behind-the-scenes look at the life of an intern

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Dropsolid places great value on sharing knowledge. This includes sharing our knowledge with customers, as well as with our interns. Each year, we welcome interns from various schools and in different roles to help them grow and learn from our expertise.

Interns learn a lot from us, but we also learn a lot from interns!


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The values of Dropsolid, the benefits for an intern

Life at Dropsolid is described in 6 words: trust, connect, help, challenge, grow, and enjoy. These core values create the strong company culture within our organization.

The values from an intern's perspective:



From the moment an intern starts their internship, a lot of trust is placed in them. They are allowed to participate in major projects right from the start and add their value to them. An intern is considered a fully integrated team member at Dropsolid.



Dropsolid ensures that everyone is challenged in their projects, allowing them to grow both professionally and personally. Interns also get great opportunities to learn and grow in various areas. Stepping out of your comfort zone often leads to the best results.



Our interns immediately become new colleagues and are not seen as 'just interns.' This way, we truly connect with each other. We create a close-knit team by inviting interns to our team-building events, informal chats, and more. Our company finds it important that everyone feels comfortable.



Dropsolid values the growth process of each individual. We aim to develop talent. The mentors of the interns ensure that their interns can grow in various areas through diverse tasks, projects, and more. This also gives the intern a better understanding of which direction or specialization they ultimately want to pursue.



Help is something we offer to everyone. Anyone can ask anything to each other because you learn from each other. The good vibe within our company also ensures that everyone, including interns, feels comfortable asking questions. The best results come from teamwork.



Fun is a priority in our company. A good vibe leads to happy employees, and happy employees deliver great results. Our interns can enjoy our team-building activities, lunch moments, informal small talks, and more.

Personal stories from some interns


Lize Verhaeven - Team Swift

My internship at Dropsolid has been enjoyable and varied. While sometimes working on the same task for a few weeks, no two assignments are alike. I've created wireframes, written documentation, researched information for presentations, given presentations, and attended client demos. Each week brings something new, making the work diverse and interesting. During my internship, I've learned a lot personally, such as handling feedback better. As a functional analyst, you're the link between the client and the developers. Clients provide feedback, which may require adjustments to your wireframes. I've also grown in presenting to colleagues. I worked on a project where I had to inform colleagues about my part. Initially daunting, but a valuable learning experience. Over the past few months, I've worked on various aspects of a functional analyst's role. I've attended client meetings, created wireframes and prototypes, and written a complete functional analysis. These tasks were engaging because I'm now working for real clients instead of school projects. As a functional analyst intern, you develop wireframes, present them to the client, receive feedback, and refine them. It's been a valuable experience. I also attended a client demo and went to Brussels to present the project's progress to the client.

Dropsolid, a DXP company, sparked my interest because I find websites and everything related to them fascinating. I wanted to learn more about how a company in this sector operates. I would definitely recommend the company to other interns because you're not expected to know everything. You're allowed to make mistakes and ask questions. The colleagues are very helpful, which makes it easier to ask questions. A significant advantage for me is the ability to choose my own hours and work from home. Additionally, the atmosphere is excellent. The company isn't super large, so everyone knows each other. Happy hours are organized, and everyone lunches together. During happy hours and lunch breaks, you also get to know your colleagues better.

Sara Wambacq - Team Marketing

I am enjoying my internship at Dropsolid for several reasons. Firstly, I am assigned tasks that a permanent employee would also receive, making me truly feel part of the team. Additionally, there is a pleasant vibe within the company, which only enhances the working experience.

My technical knowledge has significantly increased, which is a valuable addition to my broad education. As an intern at Dropsolid, I have the privilege of collaborating with all team members within the company. I have the freedom to choose tasks that best suit me. Additionally, I participate in meetings with clients and contribute to projects for them, just like a permanent employee would. I have also grown personally. Gaining experience within a company gives me a deeper insight into how the business world operates and how I can best utilize my skills.

My choice of Dropsolid as an internship company was well-considered. Firstly, I was attracted to it being a medium-sized company in the technology sector. Additionally, the products they develop are particularly interesting to me, making it a perfect match. Would I recommend Dropsolid to others? Absolutely. As an intern, you are treated as a full member of the team and have the opportunity to gain valuable experiences. The atmosphere within the company is also something I like to emphasize. It is enjoyable and friendly, contributing to a pleasant work environment where I feel comfortable.


Seph Arnaert - Team Experience Cloud

An internship at Dropsolid is an amazing experience. Collaborating with a team full of knowledge and experience provides the opportunity to learn many new skills. I work full-time with tools like Linux, Graylog, Ansible, Wazuh, and Jamf, supporting the internal IT team with various tasks, from printer resets to setting up server monitoring. Additionally, I've learned a lot about communication, which was previously a challenge for me.

Dropsolid is a young company with a lot of experience and is conveniently located just 10 minutes from my student accommodation in Ghent. I would definitely recommend Dropsolid for an internship or job. We have lunch together every afternoon, which allows me to get to know my colleagues better, and there are many fun, optional events organized.

Charlotte Raes - Team Marketing

I am very satisfied with my internship at Dropsolid. The company immediately stood out for its professional appearance and the diverse activities it carries out. For a student in marketing technology, Dropsolid, as a Digital Experience Company, is the ideal place for an internship.

The tasks during the internship are varied and include standard marketing activities such as content creation, drafting social media plans for job vacancies, and developing marketing strategies for Dropsolid's consultancy services. Additionally, the internship also offers the opportunity to be involved in technical aspects, such as working with Drupal, implementing SEO strategies for better Google indexing, and setting up targeted LinkedIn advertisements.

The work environment at Dropsolid is very pleasant, and the colleagues are particularly enjoyable to work with. I highly recommend an internship at Dropsolid.


Steffie Gabriëls - Team Sales

My internship at Dropsolid is highly educational. All different aspects of sales are covered, and as an intern, you are involved in many matters. As a result, I have already learned a lot, from meeting customer needs and the tender process to understanding the digital experience company market and how Dropsolid positions itself within it. I attend customer and internal meetings, make cold calls, schedule meetings, work on positioning, compile the tender library, and more. My job scope is very diverse. Thanks to all these opportunities and learning moments, I have also grown personally. I have become more confident in my work because I can successfully complete tasks.

Dropsolid appealed to me as an internship company because of its innovative character and growth potential. It's a company that offers many opportunities. I would definitely recommend this company to others. Here, you have a lot of opportunities to grow and work independently while still receiving the necessary support. Moreover, it's clear that they have experience with interns. The atmosphere within the company is excellent. The team is young and enthusiastic, and there is always a positive vibe. We share many laughs, which contributes to good collaboration and a close-knit team.

Michiel Desticker - Team Experience Cloud

I really enjoy my internship at Dropsolid because the knowledge I gained at HoGent is actually being applied in practice here. The main skills I have improved are my communication skills because it's true what they say: the most important skills for IT professionals are soft skills. Additionally, of course, my IT skills have also improved. I've been able to delve into tools like Ansible to automate server configurations. As a DevOps intern, I mainly take on tasks for Internal IT and the DXP team. So my tasks are very diverse. On one hand, for example, we assist in creating documentation for Secure Printing, and on the other hand, we configure application stacks in Google Cloud. This variety of tasks provides a nice change of pace.

I chose Dropsolid because I immediately noticed a very familiar atmosphere. Everyone knows everyone. On my first day, I already met the co-CEO. Additionally, I've always been interested in DevOps, so Dropsolid was the ideal place to experience this in practice.


How can you join us?

As a company, we strive to keep learning. Dropsolid learns a lot from you, and you learn a lot from Dropsolid!