Drupal 7 migration: creating your business case

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Webinar - drupal 7 migration business case

When is the best time for your business to upgrade?

 When to update your Drupal 7 websites? The trade-off between limited maintenance fees and a much larger investment in an improved digital platform depends on your business case.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • the financial impact of a Drupal 7 update
  • the possibilities of Drupal 9
  • the opportunities of Drupal 7 Extended Support
  • how to build a business case for the Drupal 7 update


For who is this webinar?

Business owners, Marketing managers and site owners with a Drupal 7 website.


About the speaker

Dominique De Cooman is co-founder and CEO of Dropsolid. For over 13 years, he has been working with companies, organizations and governments to build and elevate their digital customer experiences.