Our more than 90 Dropsolid experts combine their expertise to deliver insights, ranging from MarTech trends, user experience, open technology and GDPR, to step-by-step tutorials. All bite-sized content, so you can be ready for tomorrow’s digital world.
AI and Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) are changing how businesses talk to their customers. Let's talk about how that affects our digital experiences.
The Digital Experience Podcast by Dropsolid is a series of episodes that cover subjects from technologies to marketing to create the best digital experiences.
Sven takes you through a day as a Functional Analyst at Dropsolid: every project is different and you have a different angle to start puzzling each time.
In this episode, we discuss Mautic 5, an open-source marketing automation solution and the upgrade to Mautic 5, its benefits and position in the market.