Wouter De Bruycker

SEO Strategist & Evangelist


Wouter De Bruycker is an SEO expert with 14 years of professional experience in the industry. He graduated with honors in Graphic & Digital Media and first worked as a web developer and digital strategist before - armed with this technical knowledge - diving further into SEO.

SEO is one of his true passions, as you can see from the fact that you'll often find him at national and international conferences where he shares his knowledge and cases with an audience. He has spoken about SEO at events such as the Digital Content Marketing Congress, Ondernemen In Vlaanderen, DrupalCamp London, DrupalCon Amsterdam and DrupalCon Prague.

Today, Wouter is helping Dropsolid to draw the lines for the SEO strategy and organic growth of various large and medium-sized organizations such as Soudal, UZA and ERA.


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Wouter De Bruycker