BreadcrumbHomeAbout usTeamMeet our team One close-knit team, more than 80 professional experts, infinite knowledge to share. And we do so with great pleasure, because Enjoy is one of our core values.Naomi Bruynings SEO en Analytics Expert Thomas D'hollander Functional Analyst Ruben Dello Frontend Drupal Developer Jasper Lammens Drupal Developer Marilyn Mahieu Account Manager Sarah Pâquet Talent Acquisition Specialist Steven Pepermans Co-founder & Co-CEO Morgan Milet Drupal Developer Ivo Van Geertruyen Drupal Developer Aurélie Prananto Service Delivery Manager Jonathan Ramael Backend Drupal Developer Mike Wildemeersch Frontend Drupal Developer Frederik Wouters Functional Analyst Sergiu Nagailic Product Engineer Dylan Caestecker UI Designer Manuel Gomes Product Engineer Erika Verleysen Service Delivery Manager Sam Buydens UX/UI Designer Dominique De Cooman Co-founder, Co-CEO & CTO Vitor Faria Drupal Developer Mattias Michaux Head of Engineering Milan Gurjanov Drupal Developer Mike Van Hemelrijck Digital Experience Marketing Expert Oleksandr Kuzava Backend Drupal Developer Eva Colpaert HR Officer Sofiane Boudadi Team Lead Sales Frantisek Trusa Drupal Developer Abhisek Mazumdar Drupal and Mautic Engineer Valery Lourie Drupal Developer Bruno Algoet DevOps & Product Engineer / Security Officer Simran Sethi Marketing Specialist Wouter De Bruycker SEO Strategist & Evangelist Tim Mallezie Product Engineer Diederik Beirnaert Junior Drupal Developer Sven Van Uytfanghe Functional Analyst Anderson José Eccel Mautic Contributor Ruben Vancoille Drupal Developer Lukas Demaeght Product Engineer Thierry Beeckmans Technical Coach Vitalii Podoba Drupal Developer Jeremy Houchens Business Development Thomas De Beuckelaer Frontend Drupal Developer Michaël Van De Walle Backend Drupal Developer Eline Van Coillie HR & Talent Manager Yurii Stenin Drupal Developer Jeroen Spitaels CRO Arnaud Schryvers Sales Development Representative Brent Meuleman Service Delivery Manager Francisco Moreno UX Researcher Jessica Vetsuypers HR-Recruitment / Talent Management Thomas Cys Technical Lead Laurens Van Damme Technical Coach Niels Aers Solution Architect Benny Gommers Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Joris Deckmyn Sales Trainee Steffie Gabriëls Sales Development Representative Joao Belchior Drupal Developer Tineke Vandeweyer UX Strategist Jelle Hoekman Front-end Developer Jasper Debaere Backend Drupal Developer Dieter Blomme Technical Director Marek Tyczynski Backend Drupal Developer Nick Vanpraet Product Engineer Marinka Van de Walle Project Manager VDAB Steven van Leemputten Customer Success Manager Pieter Jan Claeys Backend Drupal Developer István Reszler-Fekete Backend Drupal Developer Rembrand Le Compte Frontend Product Engineer Lucinda Mollet UX/UI Designer Kaat De Backer Financial Controller Robbie Vandierendounck Customer Support Representative Matic Križaj Frontend Drupal developer Laura Renders Marketing Specialist Joy Saey Digital Experience Advisor Laurence De Medts Operations Manager Michiel Desticker Product / Infrastructure Engineer Simen De Troch Drupal Developer Matthijs Van Assche Backend Drupal Developer Aigerim Torobaeva Sales Development Representative Elan Goens Drupal Developer Gunter Gielen UX/UI Designer & Frontend Developer Saso Sotlar Drupal Developer Filipe Pereira Technical Coach Want to be part of our team? Browse our job openings